Moderation Parameters
timeout(member, duration, reason)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
member | GuildMember | Yes | The Discord.js GuildMember to timeout |
duration | Number | Yes | Timeout duration in seconds |
reason | String | No | Reason for the timeout |
clearMessages(channel, amount, filter)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel | TextChannel | Yes | The Discord.js TextChannel to clear messages from |
amount | Number | Yes | Number of messages to delete (max 100) |
filter | Object | No | Filter options (user, contains, beforeDate) |
Interaction Parameters
createPoll(question, options)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
question | String | Yes | The poll question to display |
options | Array | Yes | Array of poll options (max 10) |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
role | Role | Yes | The Discord.js Role object to get info about |
Logger Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
logDirectory | String | Yes | Directory to store log files |
webhookUrl | String | No | Discord webhook URL for logs |
errorWebhookUrl | String | No | Separate webhook URL for errors |
maxLogAge | Number | No | Days to keep logs (default: 7) |
Command Parameters
Command Handler Options
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
permissions | Array | No | Array of required permissions |
cooldown | Number | No | Command cooldown in seconds |
roleIds | Array | No | Array of required role IDs |
Embed Utility Parameters
createBasicEmbed(title, description, color)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
title | String | Yes | Title of the embed |
description | String | Yes | Main content of the embed |
color | String | No | Hex color code (default: '#0099ff') |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
title | String | No | Title of the embed |
description | String | No | Main content of the embed |
color | String | No | Hex color code (default: '#0099ff') |
fields | Array | No | Array of field objects {name, value, inline} |
thumbnail | String | No | URL for the thumbnail image |
image | String | No | URL for the main image |
footer | Object | No | Footer object {text, iconURL} |
author | Object | No | Author object {name, iconURL, url} |
url | String | No | URL for embed title |
Preset Embed Methods
Method | Parameter | Type | Description |
createErrorEmbed | message | String | Creates red error embed |
createSuccessEmbed | message | String | Creates green success embed |
createWarningEmbed | message | String | Creates yellow warning embed |
createInfoEmbed | message | String | Creates blue info embed |
createLoadingEmbed | message | String | Creates orange loading embed |
Message Utility Parameters
sendTemporaryMessage(channel, content, duration)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel | TextChannel | Yes | Discord.js channel to send message to |
content | String/Object | Yes | Message content or message options |
duration | Number | No | Time in ms before deletion (default: 5000) |
createTypingEffect(channel, messages, options)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel | TextChannel | Yes | Discord.js channel for typing effect |
messages | Array | Yes | Array of messages to send sequentially |
options | Object | No | Configuration options object |
options.interval | Number | No | Time between messages (default: 2000ms) |
options.typingDuration | Number | No | Duration of typing indicator (default: 1000ms) |
options.deleteAfter | Boolean | No | Whether to delete messages (default: false) |
options.deleteDelay | Number | No | Delay before deletion (default: 5000ms) |
createCountdown(interaction, seconds, options)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
interaction | Interaction | Yes | Discord.js interaction object |
seconds | Number | Yes | Duration of countdown in seconds |
options.startMessage | String | No | Initial message (default: 'Countdown started!') |
options.endMessage | String | No | Final message (default: 'Time's up!') |
options.updateInterval | Number | No | Update frequency in ms (default: 1000) |
options.embedColor | String | No | Embed color (default: '#0099ff') |
createProgressBar(current, max, length, filledChar, emptyChar)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
current | Number | Yes | Current progress value |
max | Number | Yes | Maximum progress value |
length | Number | No | Bar length in characters (default: 10) |
filledChar | String | No | Character for filled portion (default: '▓') |
emptyChar | String | No | Character for empty portion (default: '░') |
Pagination Parameters
createPagination(interaction, pages, options)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
interaction | Interaction | Yes | Discord.js interaction object |
pages | Array | Yes | Array of embed pages to paginate |
options.timeout | Number | No | Collector timeout in ms (default: 60000) |
options.startPage | Number | No | Initial page index (default: 0) |
options.showPageNumbers | Boolean | No | Show page numbers in footer (default: true) |
createMenuPagination(interaction, pages, menuOptions)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
interaction | Interaction | Yes | Discord.js interaction object |
pages | Array | Yes | Array of embed pages to display |
menuOptions | Array | Yes | Array of button options for menu |
Tax Parameters
calculateTax(amount, taxRate)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
amount | Number | Yes | Original amount to calculate tax on |
taxRate | Number | Yes | Tax rate percentage (e.g., 15 for 15%) |
Property | Type | Description |
originalAmount | Number | Input amount before tax |
taxAmount | Number | Calculated tax amount |
totalAmount | Number | Total amount including tax |
taxRate | Number | Applied tax rate percentage |
Display Methods
Method | Parameter | Description |
createTaxMessageResponse | taxInfo | Creates formatted text response |
createTaxEmbed | taxInfo | Creates embedded message with tax details |